
Architect of the day...

Davis Design

Alright, so Thom Davis did it....He made my Tuesday and it is 8:01am. This house just made me giddy for the first time in a while about the profession i question often - my own - architecture. Maybe it is because i just watched that video below and i am feeling the need to fulfill some void of curiousity, but i can't help the obvious. I saw this and i got excited because there is something out there that i have never seen before and at the same time - adore. Should that not be what all artists strive for? Inspiration. What is innovative art without it? Thank you, Thom, for keeping this work engine of mine going a bit longer. For critique's sake though, could you just erase the lone window on the second floor for me? maybe put some birch wood siding to match the fascia board over it all the way down to the ground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I'd need to see the video to appreciate the work nearly ad much as yourself. However, I know that art, architecture, and all together what one finds aesthetically pleasing is subjective.
Only because you yourself were so kind to abide by proper critique etiquite by softening the transition from flawless innovation to flawed fenestration/fascia board, I too will point out that a for sale sign currently resides in the front yard. Apparently the hobo chic facade was still too much to withstand forclosure, or others much like myself just can't feel the appreciation for decon that just looks dilapidated.