
A thought to ring in the new year...

if it IS possible to live in the moment and one could constantly surround themselves with the things and people that make them happy, then hopefully one will rarely have an unhappy moment. 

i usually do not make new years resolutions, but i do try to wipe the symbolic slate clean every time i have to re-learn to write a new year instead of the last.  with the slate now clean, i am going to try to focus.  let everything around me settle and take one task at a time.  simplicity is highly underrated...

oh, and to end the year on an extra good note, here are a few of my favorite NYE sentiments, told exquisitely well by someEcards...


Blinking often...

I am sitting here, silent, thinking of what I would like to say... the only sound is the slow and hollow tap of my blinds as the warm air from the ductwork softly pushes them towards the cold steel window frames. This is the first time I have had my heat on in a while and the sound has strangely become soothing to me this morning...

Not quite sure how to describe the strange, yet good, way I feel today, but somehow this picture seems to encompass the miscellaneous thoughts that are fervently trying to tap their way out of my head...

There is comfort in the haziness of a fog, because we are all lost together...


Joseba Elorza....

via boooooooooooom

Trees on the mind...

This house by Bates Masi Architects
is so beautiful.

I have never been to Siberia. Never desired to travel to Siberia. From what I have heard, it is a bit on the chilly side, climate-wise - and that is a sure fire way to keep me far away. These photos, though, were not what I expected. The patina that has formed on all the elements of the house is indescribably magic.  This is what will always dwarf modernism, in my opinion.   The history that resides is the creases of the wood is invaluable...


A bit o' architecture...

Jensen & Skodvin
Thermal Baths in Austria
their website

House 42
their website
VM Houses - Copenhagen
Weehouse, a firm that goes both ways, those ways being pre-fab and custom-designed houses. The pre-fab units come assembled AND furnished!!! I mean, talk about truly bringing back a great idea that seemed lost. A designer taking hold of the entire entity that is the home, including the furniture that goes into it. The pre-fab units range from $65,000 to $255,000.
their website
Mercer Island Residence by Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen
their website

Artist Robert Lachance designed this house in Val-David, Quebec, Canada.
click here


Sometimes I wish...

I was a furniture designer. The ability to transform a 2d image to a 3d object is a skill most architects have, but somehow it seems - furniture designers wield with ease. I love this chair by architects Tendo.

Via home rejuvenation



Two images that made me laugh out loud this morning...seems my sense of humor is continuing to degrade itself...oops?

link for image above is in title.

this image ain't got no link cause i can't remember wheres i founds it...